Monday, April 28, 2014

Natasha Finds: Cute and Easy Origami

Hi Cuties!

It was quite a rainy day today in Auckland, so I decided to search online for cute and easy origami to cheer myself up!

What is origami?

Origami (折り紙) is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding,The goal of this art is to transform a flat sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques, and as such the use of cuts or glue are not considered to be origami.
(Information from Wikipedia)

Know the simple base folds first!

These are simple but they are the key for perfection!

You can learn and master all of them in under 10 minutes.

Click here to learn the simple base folds!

Here are my Top 5 Cute and Easy Origami!

1. Origami Envelope 

These envelopes are GREAT to hold birthday letter/ cards for your family and friends!

And if the origami paper is red, they are also creative ideas for red packets/ang pao during Chinese New Year!

Click here for the tutorial!

2. Origami Easter Basket

Though Easter is over, these are also great for holding little erasers and adds a little color on your desk!

Click here for the tutorial!

3. Origami Crane
This had been folded for 100 years and myths say folding 1000 grants you a wish!
Plus these paper cranes are also nice as a decoration.

Click here for the tutorial

4. Origami Box
Click here for the tutorial

Origami boxes are always fun to make and is can basically hold anything that it small and light, like the origami stars in the image.

Hmm... Speaking of origami stars...

5. Origami Stars

Origami Stars are usually made and held in jars or pretty containers.
Click here for the tutorial!

That's it for this week Cuties!
Please don't hesitate to comment, because it will be great it you do!


Friday, April 25, 2014

Obsession of the week: Ulzzang Kids!

Hi Cuties!

This week my sisters and I were spending a boring Monday scrolling down our Facebook newsfeed, when a picture of this ADORABLE little girl posing for a Korean fashion line (I think at least) appeared in front of my screen.

Of course I showed it to my sisters, and they both instantly squealed: "SO CUUUUTEEE!"

Next thing I know, all three of us are googling images of cute Korean kids, or should I say, Ulzzang Kids.

What is Ulzzang?
Ulzzang means "best face" in Korean and the word is used both online and in real life. Basically, an ulzzang is someone who has a very attractive face, but most people use the term to describe people who have become popular for their looks. AKA "mini celebs". 

Here is a list of our Favourites!

Most of my pictures and Information are from this source:       

Aleyna Yilmaz


*sigh* this girl can sometimes really lower my

Daniel Hyunoo Lachapelle


*Stares at picture for 10 minutes*

Leo William Recipon


Dennis Kane



Miso Kenny Hayden

Half-Italian-American & Korean

This is what a beautiful mix equals~

Haha that's it for this week! Please don't hesitate to comment too ~


Hi Cuties!


My name is Natasha and I'm blogging from New Zealand!

In this blog I will post about DIYs and... Cute stuff ><

I'll post every week during the holidays and once every two weeks during school terms/semesters.

This is my first time blogging so please give feedback so I can improve too!


A Dose of Cuteness:

P.S: I'm blogging about books and movies at the same times too! It's called Natasha's Bookshelf.